Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A little baby quilt

(Don't ask me why there is such a big space - there shouldn't be!)

Hope you're all having a great week and finding some time for pleasure! This week is all about getting back to the normal routine and enjoying it very much. Last week was a test for everyone here so a fresh week is very appealing. The plan is also to finish knitting the final scarves of the season. Lots of night time couch time, I hope. 

A couple of weeks ago I finished this quilt - nothing girly about this one! Friends of ours relocated to Canberra last Christmas and have since celebrated the birth of their third child. Now that's a busy 6 months for you! After living in the same street as us for 9 years, Canberra seems a long way away.

So I decided something handmade was a little more special and so set to work finding suitable boy fabrics in my stash. Not much choice there! This was all I found (except for some very dark, stiff denim!) but it came together fairly well, I think. I just fiddled with a few triangles, squares and strips and came up with something suitable for tummy time or snuggling in the pram. I think Canberra, like Hobart, is still a little chilly! The red bias binding is from my late grandmother's collection of supplies - and there's plenty more of it too. The back is blue and white gingham with one strip of the doggy fabric on one end (the back missed out on the photo shoot)

It arrived safely and is settling in with little Alex and his family. The lid of the fabric trunk is nearly closed - but not quite! More of the same type of project is needed, I think. As much as I love buying new fabric, there is nothing like using what you've got.

I hope you get to do the same this week.


  1. That's such a sweet quilt! Baby quilts are such a lovely size to work with. I love your fabric with the dogs. Is it all hand quilted? It looks beautiful.

  2. Thanks, Sarah it was a quick one but I'm pleased with how it turned out. And no I'm afraid it isn't hand quilted - machined with my friend's Pfaff machine (it copes with the layers much better than mine!) The only hand sewing was the binding at the back. On to the next one now!
