Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Snug as a bug

I often find that the desire to get stuck into some sewing comes as Easter approaches - the weather begins to turn, leaves start falling and last year's winter clothes are looking a little shorter, tighter and just worn!!

I made winter nighties two years ago for Sarah and Alice as an Easter gift with their eggs.  I made them quite long so so they are still wearing them and Hannah and Ruby think they are rather nice! As girls who don't like to wear trousers, unless I use very persuasive language (or a very pretty top), they liked the idea of having a winter nighty too. I like it too - no buttons for getting dressed, one item to put on, one item to wash, one item to hang on the line and less space taken up on the airer in winter. Two pegs instead of the four demanded of pj's. (When there are four little people every little bit helps!)

We are well past wearing summer nighties here. The only winter nighty in the right size was the very first one I made (ie. a not very well-made one covered with pink hippos and known as the 'hippo nighty'!) We had many disputes over whose turn it was to wear the nighty and who had to be deprived and have to wear pyjamas. So for the twins it was winter nighties for Easter. Everyone is now happy and after a few nights in their nighties they are happy to wear pyjamas 'just for a little change'.

Sarah and Alice didn't miss out. I made them flannelette pyjama bottoms and bought a fresh long sleeve top from Big W (they are sooooo handy and cheap!) to go with them. This was an idea I got from the very productive and clever Mel - makes it a quick and easy project, and still a good price! However, when taking these photos, the older girls were dressed for school and their pj's were in the laundry with a little dinner stain and toothpaste on them. Next time!

1 comment:

  1. love ur enthusiasm about motherhood :)the nighties look adorable
